Home » Isa Balle-Voyles

Isa Balle-Voyles

Isa Balle-Voyles

Isa, a NASM certified personal trainer, is deeply passionate about making fitness accessible and individualized for clients of all ages and backgrounds. Her journey into fitness began with a profound love for well-being, nurtured through her background in competitive dance and sports during her youth. Isa is not only dedicated to her clients but is also a self-proclaimed nerd when it comes to all things exercise science. During her spare time, you can often find her engrossed in informative research articles and YouTube videos, where she delves deep into topics like exercise form, technique, and muscle development. Leveraging the lessons learned from her own fitness journey and emotional techniques, Isa encourages clients to connect with their fitness path on a deeper level, discovering joy, fulfillment, and purpose in their quest for a healthier lifestyle. As a dedicated fitness enthusiast, she aims to inspire clients to appreciate how fitness can holistically impact their lives. With her combination of dance expertise, athletic background, and exercise science knowledge, Isa is well-equipped to help individuals achieve their fitness goals while fostering a deep appreciation for the holistic impact of fitness on their lives.

Location: Townlake YMCA

Expertise/Focus: General fitness / I'm not sure, Weight management, Strength training, Functional, Older adult fitness

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Gender: Female



Karen Van Ness, Personal Trainer
Karen Van Ness
Center: Northwest Family YMCA
Goal: Weight management, Strength training, Functional, Older adult fitness, Corrective exercise
Erica Lyon, Personal Trainer
Erica Lyon
Center: Northwest Family YMCA
Goal: Weight management, Functional, Older adult fitness, General Fitness
Mike Tolbert
Center: Northwest Family YMCA
Goal: Weight management, Strength training, Functional, Older adult fitness, Youth fitness, Sport performance
Erica Steverson
Center: Northwest Family YMCA
Goal: Weight management, Strength training, Functional, Older adult fitness, General Fitness
Jalil Brewer
Center: Northwest Family YMCA
Goal: Weight management, Strength training, Competition, Women's fitness

Personal Training Options

  • Choose from these personal training options to meet your goals. 
  • Small group training: all the benefits of a personalized workout with the built-in accountability of a group working toward a goal. 
  • Partner training: develop a stronger relationship with a family member or friend who shares your exercise goals. 
  • Individual personal training: work with your trainer in a traditional one-on-one setting. 

Let us help you discover the right training program. It’s the next step in achieving your goals. 

Frequently Asked Questions

In personal training, your trainer creates a customized exercise plan. Trainers may provide one-on-one sessions, or group training. 

Benefits include tailored workouts, accountability, and expert guidance. 

Cost varies by trainer and frequency of sessions. It’s important to find a trainer who fits your specific needs and budget. 

It depends on your fitness goals and schedule. Many trainers recommend meeting at least once a week. 

Yes, many of our YMCA personal trainers offer online training through video conferencing. Your workout plans and check-ins may occur through email or text message.