Self-Defense Workshop
Saturday, November 16, 2-4pm, Ages 10+
Gain skills to protect better protect yourself. Taekwondo Grand Master Owens will teach you safety awareness, lethal strikes, escapes from being grabbed or held, and groundwork for self-defense. No martial arts experience needed. A potentially lifesaving 2-hour program.
*Participants ages 10-14 must have participating adult in class alongside them.

Fall Programs begin as early as December 1

Price Drop! Kids Night Out is now $25 for Members & $50 for Guests!
Don’t miss this kids-only, fun-packed evening at the Y on the first Saturday of the month! We’ll make art, play games, get silly, and end the night with a PG movie and popcorn. We provide a pizza dinner along with juice and water. Kids must be 3 years old, fully potty trained, and well-adjusted to spending this amount of time away from their grownups.
Featured Events at Northwest Family Y
International Day of Thanks
Wednesday, November 13, 11am-1pm, All Ages
We are so thankful for you! Join us for the Northwest Family YMCA’s annual International Day of Thanks potluck! Come celebrate community and friendship as we give thanks for the best part of our Y – YOU! Sign up to bring dish to share at the Welcome Center. Bring food. Share love.
No reservation required.
Facility Updates
Holiday Hours
Thanksgiving Day
- Closed
Day After Thanksgiving
- 8:00am – 3:00pm
- Kids Play 8:00am – 12:00pm